Tyler Hippchen, 2016 Level 1, Honorable Mention

Dear DJ. McHale,

While I was reading your book, Pendragon Book Ten: The Soldiers of Halla, my family was going through major struggles. My mom and dad are divorced. The summer after my fourth grade year, my mom got her dream job as the music teacher at Kaleidoscope School in Kenai. They moved me to Kaleidoscope without question and I went to school there through fifth grade. Now I was at a major transition point in my life. My dad wanted me to go to school in Soldotna at Redoubt Elementary. My mother wanted me to stay at Kenai and so did I. As the tensions peaked, my dad and I had many arguments, and my home life at my dad’s was uncomfortable. I came across your book in my local library completely by accident.

Although I am no space-time traveling universe-saving person, I was still able to connect with your book. By reading your book, I learned how to deal with my struggles, and your book provided me with a way to escape reality and delve into the world of Pendragon. Your book has changed my view on the world by explaining Pendragon’s duty, kind of like my duty to step up and voice my opinion to my dad. I felt the same thing Pendragon felt when he just wanted a normal life. Pendragon has made me realize that sacrifices must be made to reach the goals that I desire, just like in the real world. Your book has also changed my view on myself; I realize that when I voice my opinion and don’t give up, I can overcome impossible odds, like beating an army of dados or fighting to go to the school that I wanted to go to. And you know what‘? I stood up, spoke my mind and didn’t give up. I stood up against impossible odds. I won.

Since then, I have been attending school in Kenai and still haven’t forgotten your book. Thank you for your wonderful work that has guided 1ne through my life. I have moved on since the struggles and, like Pendragon would say, “And so we go.”


Tyler Hippchen