Dear Mrs. DiCamillo,
Every time I take a step back from my rushing life, I realize the world is sometimes a dark place. People become so wrapped up with themselves that they shut out others. With all of the bad things on the news like floods and hurricanes, sometimes it is hard to imagine a place where things are simple and courage is easily found. At least I am a lucky person who has a loving family and loyal friends. Gregory the jailor was right, stories are light. Some are brighter than others, but they all help us in their own special way. Your book, The Tale of Despereaux, has inspired me to tell my stories, in hopes that they will also touch someone.
Primarily, I feel like darling, petite Despereaux, alone and different. Books are my life, and I am always reading enchanting stories about talking animals and good people. I always have ideas floating around in my head from something I have read. A book helped the uncommon mouse find courage to do what was right. Not many people understand how far a brilliantly worded book will take them. Sometimes, because I have different priorities than everyone else, I see problems differently. It helps me when I see things from a different point of view because there is always a second way to solve the conundrum. When I was younger bullies picked on me because I thought differently. They would take my books or pull my hair or do stupid things. When I remember those times, I am reminded of the way Despereaux was treated by his own family, an outsider in an inside world.
I had to tolerate and forgive the bullies for picking on me. I did my best to not retaliate or cry in front of them. Retrospectively, I now realize that they probably had problems at home and didn’t know how to deal with it. They were not comfortable enough in their own skin to feel secure, so they had to take it out on people who were smaller. Like the Princess Pea, I feel so sorry for the people who have upset me. Everything they did was in retribution of the way they had been treated, which must have been terrible. Moreover, I remember what it felt like to be small and innocent, like the youthful Princess Pea. When I was young I didn’t know about horrible thinks like death or sadness. Everything seemed beautiful, filling my world with laughter and delight. The Pea probably didn’t have a care in the world until her mom died. I find it very odd that sometimes the worst things happen to the best of us, but I guess that’s what you meant by fate. As I have grown older, I have realized that every bad thing that has ever happened to me has done something extraordinary. It has made me who I am.
Because of my mistakes I have learned how not to be and what not to do. Those turned into my core values, my meters of right and wrong. My values are probably different than yours. In fact all of the values are different. Sometimes my values conflict with other peoples and we disagree. When that happens I feel as if I am in raging waters, being pulled out to sea. Then I remember Despereaux and the immortal words, an interesting fate awaits those who do not conform. I have made my life’s work an endeavor to make life interesting, and I have definitely done so. Even though the world is not filled with big colorful windows and music about deep purple falling over sleepy garden walls, it does have its own simple beauties. People just need to remember how to find them again. Your book has taught me that even the darkest of places in the darkest of times there is light, you just need to discover it.
Even though all of the adventures in life are not as great as Despereaux’s quest, or Princess Pea’s loving heart, stories are there to make cheerful light. To be honest, I wasn’t very sure about reading your book. I did read it, and have gone back many times. It has made me realize that my outlook on life will make the difference on how I live it. It has also shown me that it is okay to be different and show fear when you are afraid, because sometimes being afraid can help you be brave. Your delightful words have given me the vigor to say no to things, while gently helping me to find the courage to show who I am.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart,
Shaynee DeVito
9th Grade
Kenai Central High School, Kenai, Alaska
Teacher: Susan Nabholz