Dear Alex Sanchez,
I’m writing to you about your book Rainbow High. I have two close friends that have problems toward homosexuality. I started to believe their views, and for a moment, I started to have problems too. Then I went to a Barnes & Noble to buy some books to last me for a week. I looked on the shelf and saw Rainbow Boys and I thought, “There’s no way I’m reading THAT book.” I walked away to look at other books, but I kept coming over to the section where your book was. Somehow, no matter how hard I tried, I was drawn to the book with no explanation why. Finally, I ignored the voice in my head and bought the whole series. After reading Rainbow Boys, my opinions on homosexuality were starting to slip. Rainbow Boys helped me see everyone can change from time to time and that you don’t need to be ashamed of your sexual preferences.
Even though I enjoyed Rainbow Boys, Rainbow High struck me the most. After reading that book, all my opinions slipped away from my mind. I realized my two close friends were prejudiced like the other people in the book. After I talked to my friends the next day, I realized their opinions would never change. They weren’t as open-minded as I was. I think out of all the characters, I could relate to Jason. Even though I’m a girl and 100% straight, I saw some of my emotions in him. He hid behind a mask, afraid people wouldn’t accept his decisions in life. Some people didn’t, but his close friends did. That’s like me in a way. I helped other people, and I hid my true self from my friends in Georgia. However, when I arrived in Alaska and made new friends, I realized they didn’t care about my choice of music or how fast I spoke. They loved me anyway. Even though I also related most to Jason, I saw some of me relating to Kyle, too. He was always backing down to please people. That’s like me also. I put my family and friends before me when sometimes I’m the one that needs help.
Since reading that book, whenever I see or hear about homosexuality, I don’t say, “Eww,” like my two close friends do. I just shrug and go back to being me. Because after all, I finally got rid of my mask so I didn’t care anymore. I let my friends’ opinions run my view on things, now I had my own views. I thought opening my mind would blur my sight on the world, but instead, my sight became clearer.
Kamela Williams
8th Grade
Romig Middle School, Anchorage, Alaska
Teacher: Jennifer Keil